Regardless of whether you’ve decided to go green to help the environment, to save money, or just see how easy it is, every step you take towards eco-friendly living is one that helps the world.
If you’re just starting out and want some sustainable living ideas then here are a couple to get you started:
Step 1: Turn it off
Energy conservation is one of the most important things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. Leaving your electronics on standby needlessly uses up energy – hit the off switch and you could see huge improvements, most noticeably in your energy bills!
Step 2: Switch to renewables
Changing your energy supplier to one that’s 100% renewable is a great eco-friendly tip for any home. Anyone can do it, switching is simple and hassle-free plus all the electricity you use when on a 100% renewable plan is effectively zero carbon!
Step 3: Eat less meat
Being careful with what you’re consuming is at the heart of being more eco-friendly, and cutting down on the amount of meat you eat can have a huge impact. Not having red meat – even if it’s just for two or three days a week – can have quite a significant impact on reducing your carbon footprint.
Step 4: Don’t waste food
Waste not, want not. Did you know that 8 million dollars of edible food is wasted in Australia every year? This isn’t just a huge waste of food and money, it adds to the amount of CO2 being created in landfills.
Step 5: Compost
If you have let your food go that little bit too far past its ‘use by’ then you need to be sure to compost it rather than putting it in the bin. Not only will this help create a natural fertiliser and keep your garden green, it’ll also reduce the amount of waste going to landfill – and as it won’t break down anaerobically, there will not be a build-up of methane gas.
Step 6: Recycle everything
Chances are that if you’re thinking about taking on a more eco-friendly lifestyle then you’ll already be recycling. But could you improve your recycling? You can recycle almost everything, from batteries to paper to cars. Before you throw it away, take a minute to find out if you could recycle it instead.
Step 7: Try to cut out plastic
Plastic seems to have found its way into every single aspect of our lives. However, giving it up isn’t as difficult as you might think – bring a canvas bag with you when you go shopping, buy your fruit and veg loose and stop buying bottled water.
Step 8: Use LED light bulbs
Not only do LED light bulbs last longer than conventional bulbs, they’re far more efficient too! This means that you’ll be using less power and having to replace your light bulbs less frequently – everyone’s a winner. What’s more, they’re available in a range of brightness levels and designs so you can really tailor the lighting to your needs or to suit the room.
Step 9: Insulate your home. You may need a professional for this.
Homes that aren’t well insulated are much harder to keep warm when it’s cold, and cool when the weather is hot. Insulating your home is one of the best eco-friendly tips for your home. One of our Grey Army tradespeople can help you with this.
Step 10: Have your food shop delivered
Home delivery is like the public transport of groceries. Instead of having 20 odd cars make their way to the supermarket – one van drives around delivering to everyone in the area. Additionally, it means you’re less likely to impulse buy which can help to reduce any waste food.
Step 11: Use eco-friendly cleaning products
A lot of cleaning products have a lot of harmful chemicals in them that aren’t environmentally friendly to create or dispose of. In fact, repeated exposure to these cleaning products can affect your health as well as the environment. Green cleaning products use more natural and organic methods of cleaning which are far less harmful.
Step 12: Use your microwave
Honestly, you’d be surprised by how much more energy efficient microwaves are compared to conventional ovens. Open your mind to the microwave, you can cook most things in them not just frozen ready meals.
Step 13: Buy local
From clothes to food, the closer to home these products are made and bought, the less carbon is created with their transportation. Not only that, but you’ll be supporting the local economy which means that in time you’ll likely have even more local items to choose from.
Step 14: Grow your own
Growing your own veg isn’t just a good way to save money, it’s also a great way to cut down your carbon footprint and be eco-friendly. Don’t have any outside space? Windowsill boxes are a great way to brighten up your view, filter the air coming into your home and offer plenty of space for herbs and small vegetable patches.
Step 15: Plant some trees
Ecological sustainability is very important when it comes to eco-friendly living. Without a stable ecosystem, things start to fall apart. Making sure that we’re planting more native trees to replace those that have been cut down to make room for developments is something that more people and businesses need to do to protect the environment and improve air quality.
Step 16: Choose your personal care wisely
When it comes to personal hygiene there are several things you need to be careful to avoid for a truly eco-friendly lifestyle. The most damaging of these is microbeads, which are small bits of solid plastic which aren’t biodegradable and make their way into watercourses and ultimately end up damaging the environment by entering the food chain. Make sure that your body wash, toothpaste, face scrub and other products do not contain these beads.